'Hassblad 503cxi'에 해당되는 글 38건

  1. 2010.08.07 Forest 4
  2. 2010.08.01 구름 좋은 날 6
  3. 2010.06.07 Go alone 8
  4. 2010.05.29 a stone 4
  5. 2010.05.25 vague 10
  6. 2010.05.22 The Look 4
  7. 2010.05.20 다시 4
  8. 2010.05.18 무제 3
  9. 2010.05.14 In Frame 8
  10. 2010.04.30 Ecstasy 7


forest, bench, green grass and Rest
Take a deep breath~

구름 좋은 날

Go alone

Make goal.
Make specific plan.

Go forward.
Don't look back.

Go alone like a rhino's horn.

a stone

There is a calm pond.
Just a little stone make gentle wave.

A little stone of coincidence...

But its bank stops the wave.
like nothing had happened.

Someday, the water of the pond would dry up.

It's nothing but a coincidence...


All you see is real but simultaneously not real.

The Look

What are you looking at?
Real or illusion...
Wake up~!!!


다시 흑백을 해보자...


In Frame

A round Frame in the square one...


Maybe the last...
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