'RDP III'에 해당되는 글 11건
- 2010.07.06 Waiting 12
- 2010.03.26 For rest
- 2010.03.07 warmth
- 2009.05.01 靑綠 2
- 2009.05.01 뽜이야~ 2
- 2009.05.01 독야청청
- 2009.04.25 Green leaves on the water
- 2009.04.23 Dark Green 2
- 2008.04.28 거울...
- 2008.04.17 들판...유채꽃
Waiting...It was always difficult to me.
Usually I totally focus on what I want to do.
Work, Play, or Love anything else...
so, I used to angry with what make me waiting.
All I needed is patience
p.s so I'm still waiting.
I need a cup of coffee...
Some silly book may be needed...
But Not that all...
I could be content with only warm spring sunlight ...yeh...enough...
지난 일요일 집에 있기도 뭐하고 덜 찍은 필름도 카메라 안에 들어있고해서 혼자 훌쩍 다녀왔다.
아직 다 피진 않았는데, 탁~트인 들판에...초록색 유채가 노란 꽃을 피우니...
여유로운 주말을 즐기기엔 충분했다. ^^