'g2'에 해당되는 글 10건

  1. 2010.07.06 Waiting 12
  2. 2010.05.21 My time of Day
  3. 2009.07.13 Swept Away 5
  4. 2009.05.15 착시현상 2
  5. 2009.05.01 靑綠 2
  6. 2009.05.01 뽜이야~ 2
  7. 2009.05.01 독야청청
  8. 2009.04.25 Green leaves on the water
  9. 2009.04.23 Dark Green 2
  10. 2009.03.27 봄 소식


Waiting...It was always difficult to me.
Usually I totally focus on what I want to do.
Work, Play, or Love anything else...
so, I used to angry with what  make me waiting.

All I needed is patience

p.s so I'm still waiting.

My time of Day

What time is it?
I don't know, four o'clock.

This is your time of day, isn't it?
I'm not usually up this late

How do you like it?
So peaceful and wonderful....

My time of day is the dark time

A couple of deals before dawn
When the street belongs to the cop
And the janitor with the mop
And the grocery clerks are all gone.

When the smell of the rainwashed pavement
Comes up clean, and fresh, and cold
And the streetlamp light
Fills the gutter with gold

That's my time of day
My time of day

And you're the only doll I've ever wanted to share it with me.

Swept Away

모난 돌들이 몽돌이 되려면...많은 시간이 필요해요.


Originally, There is no line on the horizon.


보리밭 퍼~렇다


뭉치면 살고, 흩어지면 죽는다! 눈이 시릴정도로 붉은 자주빛


"제목을 뭘로 할까?" "독야청청" ...

Green leaves on the water

Where is my missing piece? 모든 잎들이 한 조각이 부족하군요.

Dark Green

태양이 아닌 가로등 빛 만으로도 초록을 느낄 수 있는 날이 왔다. g2 G45 rdp 3

봄 소식

봄 소식을 남겨두기 위해 여러 사진들을 저장합니다. 싱그런 봄 기운과 함께 기분도 싱그럽게 새로 시작했으면 좋겠습니다^^

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