'Planar 80mm'에 해당되는 글 9건

  1. 2010.05.14 In Frame 8
  2. 2010.04.30 Ecstasy 7
  3. 2010.04.26 Ecstasy 5
  4. 2010.04.23 Ecstasy 2
  5. 2010.04.21 Ecstasy
  6. 2010.04.09 Sunny Sunday...
  7. 2010.04.01 Bloom
  8. 2010.03.26 For rest
  9. 2010.03.23 Boom

In Frame

A round Frame in the square one...


Maybe the last...


The fourth pill and...


The third pill


This ecstasy doth unperplex,
  We said, and tell us what we love;
by John Donne

Sunny Sunday...

Sunday...The sunshine is warm.
I think spring is just beside me.
But I don't know why I feel so cold.

p.s Scanning film is another difficult thing.
      The first result is so-so...just so-so

p.s Before and after...which is better??



For rest

I need a cup of coffee...

Some silly book may be needed...

But Not that all...

I could be content with only warm spring sunlight ...yeh...enough...



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