'Reala 100'에 해당되는 글 6건

  1. 2010.06.07 Go alone 8
  2. 2010.05.18 무제 3
  3. 2010.05.14 In Frame 8
  4. 2010.04.09 Sunny Sunday...
  5. 2009.11.06 Fire Leaves. 4
  6. 2009.10.19 가을 4

Go alone

Make goal.
Make specific plan.

Go forward.
Don't look back.

Go alone like a rhino's horn.


In Frame

A round Frame in the square one...

Sunny Sunday...

Sunday...The sunshine is warm.
I think spring is just beside me.
But I don't know why I feel so cold.

p.s Scanning film is another difficult thing.
      The first result is so-so...just so-so

p.s Before and after...which is better??

Fire Leaves.

늦 가을의 단풍은 밤이던 낮이던 불타고 있다.
다 타고 낙엽으로 떨어지면, 앙상한 가지만 남을뿐...


가을...코스모스와 여행...참 좋은 조합이었던것 같다.
조급하고 무거웠던 발걸음도 약간은 여유를 되찾은것 같다.
slow and steady~~Let's keep going

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