'봄'에 해당되는 글 7건

  1. 2010.04.30 Ecstasy 7
  2. 2010.04.26 Ecstasy 5
  3. 2010.04.23 Ecstasy 2
  4. 2010.04.21 Ecstasy
  5. 2010.04.09 Sunny Sunday...
  6. 2010.03.26 For rest
  7. 2010.03.07 warmth


Maybe the last...


The fourth pill and...


The third pill


This ecstasy doth unperplex,
  We said, and tell us what we love;
by John Donne

Sunny Sunday...

Sunday...The sunshine is warm.
I think spring is just beside me.
But I don't know why I feel so cold.

p.s Scanning film is another difficult thing.
      The first result is so-so...just so-so

p.s Before and after...which is better??

For rest

I need a cup of coffee...

Some silly book may be needed...

But Not that all...

I could be content with only warm spring sunlight ...yeh...enough...


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