'Portra 160NC'에 해당되는 글 6건

  1. 2016.07.09 Parents
  2. 2012.05.02 Rose 4
  3. 2010.08.10 vacation 4
  4. 2010.05.21 My time of Day
  5. 2010.01.28 Can I...? 2
  6. 2009.10.27 내 마음 2




장미의 계절


Being over my summer vacation, It was raining...

My time of Day

What time is it?
I don't know, four o'clock.

This is your time of day, isn't it?
I'm not usually up this late

How do you like it?
So peaceful and wonderful....

My time of day is the dark time

A couple of deals before dawn
When the street belongs to the cop
And the janitor with the mop
And the grocery clerks are all gone.

When the smell of the rainwashed pavement
Comes up clean, and fresh, and cold
And the streetlamp light
Fills the gutter with gold

That's my time of day
My time of day

And you're the only doll I've ever wanted to share it with me.

Can I...?

잘 할 수 있을까?
몇 번의 실패가 두려움을 먼저 느끼게 한다.

후회하지 않을 만큼 열심히 할 수 있을까?
노력이 아깝지 않도록...

마지막이라는 느낌이다...
뒤로 물러설 곳이 없으니, 뛰어들어야겠지...

내 마음

가을이 깊어...
산 정상에 가려 그늘 진 곳의 나무는
이미 앙상한 가지만 남았다.
태양은 왜 골고루 비춰주지 않나?
... ...
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