

T*Bohemian 2010. 4. 22. 01:51

Why the tiltle of these cherry blossom picture is Ecstasy?
Nowadays, I have lived very busy. I worked everyday without weekends.
Because Student's mid-term exam is about to begin.
The time when I took this picture, I slept only 2 hours. Just 2 hours...ㅡㅡ

Can you imagine my totally exhasted face?
But I have promised the other guy. I think promise must be kept.
So I make forward Y.U.

As soon as I saw this fantastic sight of cherry blossoms, however,
All my weariness have gone away as if I ate drug.
I have never eaten ecstasy drug but I think If I were to eat ecstasy, I would feel like this.
So, I decided to name this picture Ecstasy.